    3.           QUOTE TOTAL: $____________________
      1. NOTE: Errors in Computation
      1.  CONTRACTOR:
      2. COMPANY NAME: ________________________________
      3. ADDRESS: ________________________________________
      4. PHONE #: _________________________________________
      5. EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________
      6. PRINTED NAME: __________________________________
      7. SIGNATURE: ______________________________________


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                 April 22, 2019       
Municipal City of Auburn, Indiana, (Owner) requests Contractor unit cost and total quote for our Auburn
Electric Facility Parking Lot Improvements project, for work to be completed in 2019. This project is located at 5068 County Road 29, Auburn.

1. City Electric Department will provide dumping area for all spoil materials located on Auburn Electric Facility property. No haul off required.
2. City Engineering Department will provide construction-staking, inspection and field measure all installed quantities for payment.


1. Submit a construction schedule and timeline from start to finish to the Electric Department Superintendent after quote award.
2. Call 811 for locations of buried utilities prior to any construction activity.
3. Contractor shall provide all required materials and furnish all required trucks, equipment and labor to perform all work.
4. All Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) used on this project shall come from plant(s) currently listed with the Indiana Department of Transportation as a Certified Hot Mix Asphalt Producer.
5. Contractor shall provide continuous vehicle access to Auburn Electric Facility property throughout the entire construction project for emergency vehicles, employees, guests and/or related business.
6. Contractor shall provide, place and maintain caution barricades, barrels and/or cones, etc., on a daily basis throughout entire construction process. At the end of each working day, Contractor shall secure with cones, barricades and/or “caution” tape, all equipment, disturbed areas and new construction.
7. Mobilization/Demobilization: Contractor shall include all costs associated with moving materials, personnel and equipment to and from the project site and acquiring insurance. No permits will be required. The lump sum unit cost for this pay item shall not be more than five percent (5%) of the Contractor’s quote total.
8. Common Excavation: For all materials excavation, Contractor shall haul all spoil materials to a designated dumping location on Auburn Electric Facility property. Auburn Electric Department Superintendent will determine location of dumping area. No haul off required. Contractor shall saw cut and remove a 4” wide strip of asphalt the entire length of existing pavement edge adjacent to proposed new 15 parking spaces Asphalt Pavement to achieve a clean joint. Contractor shall protect all existing asphalt pavement or Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any existing asphalt pavement damaged during construction. Common Excavation shall include all excavation work required for new 15 parking spaces Asphalt Pavement, areas needing regrading for positive drainage, New Rock Swale and all Seeding Restoration areas. Estimated cubic yards of excavation and hauling has been provided for quoting purposes. Cost for this item shall be a lump sum unit cost.
9. Asphalt Pavement: (See detail.) Contractor shall construct Asphalt Pavement for 15 new parking spaces where shown on design drawing and in accordance with design detail. Contractor shall place and compact required depth of #1 or #2 crushed Limestone, then #53 or #73 crushed limestone sub-base for new asphalt pavement area. Contractor shall provide, place, roll, and compact 3” finished depth of #9 HMA Binder in proposed asphalt pavement area. Contractor shall then uniformly apply an Asphalt Emulsion or “tack-coat” at a rate of 0.06 Gal/Syd to achieve complete 100% coverage of all #9 HMA Binder Asphalt prior to placing *HMA Modified Surface Asphalt. “Tack-coat” shall be applied even if binder asphalt was placed the same day. All surface areas to be treated shall be dry, cleaned and free from any debris prior to applying “tack-coat”. Allow “tack-coat” to cure undisturbed before applying *HMA Modified Surface Asphalt. Contractor shall then provide, place, roll, and compact 1” finished depth of *HMA Modified Surface Asphalt in proposed asphalt pavement area. Contractor shall construct asphalt to achieve an average cross-slope of 3/16”   per foot (1.5%) from existing elevation to proposed edge of asphalt pavement elevation. HMA Modified Surface Asphalt shall consist of the following materials:*25% of #11 Limestone; 30% of #12 Limestone; 45% Sand; with 6% Liquid Asphalt. Note that all work required for excavation of Asphalt Pavement has been included in the Common Excavation line item above, therefore NO cost for excavation shall be included in this line item. Cost for Asphalt Pavement shall include   crushed limestone sub-base, #9 HMA Binder Asphalt, *HMA Modified Surface Asphalt, and “tack-coat”. Payment for this item being the unit cost by actual square yard area constructed. No metal slag shall be used in either mix for binder or surface asphalt. A maximum of twenty percent (20%) of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) may be used in binder mix. A maximum of five percent (5%) of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) may be used in surface mix. The 5% RAP content for surface mix can be used as part of the overall mix percentage for #11 Limestone or #12 Limestone. Contractor shall submit shop drawing breakdown of both asphalt mixes, prior to beginning construction. All delivery tickets for HMA binder and surface shall clearly state the contents and percentages, including RAP, of the asphalt mixes. Contractor shall collect all asphalt delivery tickets and deliver to City Engineering Department. Compaction shall be per Section 402.15 of the current INDOT Standard Specifications.
10. New Rock Swale: Contractor shall construct New Rock Swale where shown on design drawing by providing, placing and compacting #1 or #2 crushed limestone at 8” depth. Contractor shall construct new rock swale to create positive drainage to culvert pipe under existing drive entrance. Note that all work required for excavation of New Rock Swale has been included in the Common Excavation line item above, therefore NO cost for excavation shall be included in this line item. Cost for New Rock Swale shall include #1 or #2 crushed limestone and all work required for proper construction. Payment for this item being the unit cost by actual square yard area constructed.
11. Seeding Restoration: Contractor shall restore and seed all areas disturbed by construction. Contractor shall: 1) Remove any materials within 4” of the final grade such as stones, rocks, bricks, concrete or asphalt larger than 1 inch diameter which may exist along with cutting all tree roots.

2) Provide, place and compact approved screened topsoil at a minimum 4” depth for all restoration areas. Finished grade for topsoil adjacent to new asphalt pavement shall be 2 inches lower than finished asphalt grade for future grass root mass growth. This is required for future drainage considerations.
3) Use the proper equipment necessary to till, level and blend disturbed areas with adjacent existing grass areas and prepare topsoil for seeding. 4) Apply seed using Hoham City Park Sun/Shade Mix (consisting of 25% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Parkland Kentucky Blue Grass, 20% Amazing GS Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Apple GL Perennial Ryegrass, 10% Compass Chewing Fescue), according to manufacturer’s suggested application rate over all proposed seeding areas. An alternate seed mixture and/or manufacturer may be requested for review and acceptance during shop drawings submittal. 5) Apply starter fertilizer (12-12-12 mixture) using a Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium nutrient mixture, according to manufacturer’s suggested application rate, over all proposed seeding areas. An alternate fertilizer may be requested for review and acceptance during shop drawings submittal. 6) Cover all seeded areas with straw. 7) Apply enough water over all seeding restoration areas to achieve the proper soil moisture content for germination. Apply water gently so that the soil, seed and straw does not wash away. The watering of all seeding restoration areas may be required by Contractor periodically to ensure adequate germination has been achieved and a satisfactory growth of new grass is achieved. Contractor may choose hydroseeding as a mechanical method of applying seed, fertilizer and stabilizing mulch to perform seeding restoration. Cost for Seeding Restoration shall be a lump sum cost.

12. Pavement Marking: Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment, labor and materials required to provide pavement markings for new striping and existing striping where shown and noted on design drawing. An epoxy paint for all yellow striping containing a mixing ratio per manufacturer’s recommendation shall be applied at a minimum wet film thickness of at least 0.015 inch (1/64 inch). A blue waterborne paint containing a mixing ratio per manufacture’s recommendation shall be applied for the Handicap Symbol and all 4” blue striping. The pavement is required to be cleaned of all dirt, oil, grease, excess sealing material, excess pavement marking material, and all other foreign matter before applying new pavement marking material. The pavement is required to be dry. The epoxy paint shall be applied only when the pavement temperature is 40°F or above. Estimated quantity of pavement marking has been provided for bidding purposes, as follows: 4” Yellow Ctriping (1060 LF); 4” Blue Striping (74 LF); 1 Blue Handicap Symbol. Cost for Pavement Markings shall be a lump sum cost.
13. Contractor shall hand-deliver, mail or email a quote to Steve Klein, Director of Engineering, Engineering Department, 210 S. Cedar Street, 2nd Floor, Auburn, Indiana 46706 no later than 10:00 am on June, XX , 2019. Contractor shall provide unit costs and totals for all quote items or Contractor’s entire quote will be considered incomplete and will then be rejected. A quote tabulation letter will be prepared and emailed out to all contractors within 48-hours of quote deadline.
14. Contractor shall hold all quote prices for all work until completion date.
15. Contractor’s quotes will be presented to the Board of Public Works & Safety for consideration and award at a public meeting of the Board of Works & Safety at 9:00 am on Thursday, June , XX 2019 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 210 East Ninth Street, Auburn, Indiana.
16. Contractor’s work may begin on Monday, July, XX 2019 and shall be totally complete by Friday, September, XX 2019, and once construction starts Contractor shall maintain a continuous construction schedule until completed.
17. Contractor shall submit one invoice to Director of Engineering after completion of City project. All installed quantities will be measured and verified by City Engineering Department.
18. By submission of this bid, Contractor agrees during submission of final invoice to provide a three (3) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the final construction contract price, as warranty for materials and labor installation, which the warranty period shall begin on the date of final invoice.


1) Mobilization/Demobilization                                         
1lump sum           $____________

 Not to Exceed 5% of Quote Total

2) Common Excavation (170+/- cy) 1                 lump sum    $____________
3) Asphalt Pavement  
          300 sy       @ $_________ per sy $____________
(Limestone & Asphalt for 15 new parking spaces)
4) New Rock Swale
16 sy    @ $_________ per sy $____________
5) Seeding Restoration (700+/- sy)
1lump sum$____________
6) Pavement Marking 1  lump sum    $____________


                  QUOTE TOTAL: $____________________

QUOTE DUE NO LATER THAN 10:00 AM ON June, XX , 2019. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ALL PAGES OF THIS DOCUMENT, NOT JUST QUOTE PAGE. The lowest submitted QUOTE TOTAL will be used to determine project award. Contractor shall provide unit costs and a total for all quote items or Contractor’s entire quote will be considered incomplete and will then be rejected.

NOTE: Errors in Computation

In unit price Quotes, the extensions and totals are for informational purposes only and the determination of the lowest Quote shall be based solely on the total results of computations of the estimated quantities and the unit price. Errors in extensions and totals will be corrected by the Engineering Dept. and the corrected totals will be used based upon the unit prices provided.



COMPANY NAME: ________________________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________________

PHONE #: _________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________

PRINTED NAME: __________________________________

SIGNATURE: ______________________________________

EMAIL QUOTE TO: STEVE KLEIN at sjklein@ci.auburn.in.us



For questions or comments, contact:
NATE CROWL, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT at jncrowl@ci.auburn.in.us , (260)-925-8264, ext. 1403

Daryl McConnell, Assistant City Engineer Steve Klein, Director of Engineering
Attachment: design drawing (24”x36”)

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