Joe and Fred –
Mayor Ley was going to reach out to you with an update after our internal meeting yesterday morning.
Nonetheless, I’d still appreciate a few minutes of your time to discuss this trail and the Next Level Trails program. How about we go with Monday at 10:30 AM?
Amy M. Schweitzer, AICP
Department of Building, Planning, & Development
210 S Cedar St / PO Box 506
Auburn, IN 46706
260.925.6449 [office] ext 1201
260.920.3342 [fax]
“Home of the Classics”
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From: Joe Mayes <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 1:27 PM
To: Amy M. Schweitzer <>; Fred Prazeau <>
Cc: Michael D. Ley <>; Brandy M. Coburn <>; DocuShare Email Agent / <>
Subject: RE: Next Level Trails - Grant Application Page <DS: Collection-62425>
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Amy, We were able to shift some meetings around to free up some potential time slots. Here are some slots that work:
- Thursday after 11am and until the end of the day is open for us.
- Friday is not open.
- Monday 8am- 11am and then again after 3pm is open.
Senior Associate
Context Design | People + Land
Office: 317.485.6900
Direct: 317.505.9409
Cell: 317.201.0797
Good morning,
Mayor Ley asked me to send the Next Level Trails application page that we have started. Please find it attached. If possible, could I schedule a quick call this week with you to discuss this progression of this grant application?
Amy M. Schweitzer, AICP
Department of Building, Planning, & Development
210 S Cedar St / PO Box 506
Auburn, IN 46706
260.925.6449 [office] ext 1201
260.920.3342 [fax]
“Home of the Classics”
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