Subject: | US Railroad Vest Corp Property + Unknown Property [ View Email Thread ] |
From: | Erik Weber [ Look Up User ] |
To: | "Amy M. Schweitzer" <>, "Daryl K. McConnell" <> |
Cc: | "Michael D. Ley" , "Brandy M. Coburn" , "Eric L. Ditmars" , Joleen D Jones , "DocuShare Email Agent /" , "Troy F. Ackerman" |
Sent: | Thursday, November 18, 2021 10:24:16 PM EST |
Received: | Thursday, November 18, 2021 10:24:24 PM EST |
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We may need to take a quiet title action or adverse possession action or something similar.
i suggest we meet to discuss a plan moving forward.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
From: Daryl K. McConnell <>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 7:37:52 PM To: Amy M. Schweitzer <>; Erik Weber <> Cc: Michael D. Ley <>; Brandy M. Coburn <>; Eric L. Ditmars <>; Joleen D Jones <>; DocuShare Email Agent / <>; Troy F. Ackerman <> Subject: RE: US Railroad Vest Corp Property + Unknown Property <DS: Collection-62624> Amy & Erik, Sorry for late response.
I would agree that IMI’s recent property boundary survey encompasses much more than is shown in GIS, and this should be corrected by the County based upon said recent boundary survey. I will request from Sauer Land Surveying the AutoCAD file so we can review the boundary per survey in GIS. I agree this will encroach into US Railroad Vest parcel geometry.
The attachment is a representation of the four tracts of real estate recently acquired from the County strictly based upon old base deeds. I believe the County can and should modify the tax parcel line-work to reflect this recently acquired boundary which could or should eliminate some of the remaining “DeKalb County Commissioners” tracts or “Unknown” tracts.
I did bring this up with Jim McCanna the other day and he said that the intent of the sale of the County Highway property to the City was to convey all of the County property in this area, and he would not have a problem cleaning this up, however that is done.
I believe getting a new boundary survey performed of all that real estate lying north and east of Eckhart Park and adjoining IMI is warranted. Then either quite title or adverse possession affidavit can be executed, or something. Would need to get some quotes for survey work. We may also want to include in new survey, the old railroad right of way the City owns from 18th Street to Center Street just so we know exactly where the boundary lines are.
It would also be recommended to discuss our plans for a “trail” across Seiss and Souder properties to get their approval before we get too far along.
From: Amy M. Schweitzer <>
Erik and Daryl –
We began assembling a Next Level Trails Grant application for the Mayor’s Cedar Creek – Outdoor Theater Leg Trail and ran into a few challenges related to land ownership and easements. We’d like to move forward with working out these ownership issues so we can proceed with this application in 2022.
Please see the attached maps to illustrate the location of these properties.
If we need to meet to discuss these, please let me know. Otherwise, I believe Mayor Ley wants to take the necessary steps to figure out the ownership so we can move forward accordingly.
Thank you,